Ida Barr

8 years ago  •  By  •  0 Comments

Ida Barr – Artificial Hip Hop

Ida Barr is an old age pensioner who has embraced the music of today’s yut with her own brand of rap which she has dubbed Artificial Hip Hop. If you’re a lover of fresh and funky phat rymes and beats about prescription medication, multi-cultural Britain and home helps who, due to phobia, are unable to dust dado rails, then you’ve found the MC for you.

A rapping pensioner who instead of morosely looking back on her glory days as a music hall singer, is embracing a style of music called Artificial Hip Hop. Ida is based on a real English music hall star and is based on a mountain of research. She has wowed audiences with her shows including Artificial Hip Hop, Get Old or Die Trying, and Last Christmas (Possibly) and had her own Radio 4 series.